Saturday, January 16, 2010

Popular Culture, Assignment 2-1, Weekly Written Analysis 2

I chose to write about a current popular culture topic that has been on the news and television a lot recently, which is the hot topic of NBC canceling Jay Leno’s Prime-Time Show that airs at 10 p.m. nightly. NBC is hoping to keep Jay Leno for an 11:35 p.m. show and Conan O’Brien for a 12:05 p.m. show, but that has not been decided on for sure yet. The Jay Leno Prime-Time Show did not meet affiliate needs. Conan O’Brien wanted the franchise of The Tonight Show and Jay Leno wanted to tell jokes at 11:30. O’Brien has agreed to leave The Tonight Show so Leno can return to late-night television (Wang, Cynthia. “It’s Official: NBC Canceling Jay Leno’s Prime-Time Show.” People 10 January 2010

From what I have seen on television, Conan O’Brien is not very happy with the decision that NBC has made. If I were him, I would be upset too. He has only been on The Late Show for 7 months and is now being asked to leave. Many people have different opinions and feelings about O’Brien leaving The Late Show and Leno’s Prime-Time show being cancelled. Some people like Jay Leno and not Conan O’Brien while others like O’Brien and not Leno. I personally liked Jay Leno’s Prime Time Show because I am not a late night person and with his show being on at 10 p.m. I was able to watch it. I am not able to watch the Late Night Shows that come on at 11:30 because I am asleep by that time. I am curious to see if Conan O’Brien will accept NBC’s offer to have him on at 12:05 p.m. after Jay Leno if they decide to do that.
It is funny how we find ourselves more engaged, more entertained, and even more emotionally touched by what we watch on television. By being involved in the problems and controversies on television, we are able to focus on that and not what is going on in our own lives. It is very easy to advert your attention to what is going on in the news and on television from what you are doing in your own life.

1 comment:

  1. Bethany,
    I totally agree with you. I've always been a fan of Conan, but I had stopped watching either show until this controversy began. Now I watch them both with great intent to see what will happen next. Part of me wonders if the network didn't invent this controversy only to increase ratings for both shows.
