Saturday, January 9, 2010

Popular Culture, Module 1, Assignment 1-4

A current popular culture icon that I chose to write about is Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga is a theatrical dance-pop performer whose debut single, the international chart-topping hit; “Just Dance,” established her as an up-and-coming superstar upon its release in 2008. Her follow up single “Poker Face” was an even larger hit topping singles charts across the board. She recently had two additional tracks: “Love Game” and “Paparazzi” that made the Top 10. Lady Gaga’s leadoff single “Bad Romance” became her fifth consecutive Top 10 single (bc;; 1/3/10). She has been all over the television and on the radio recently. Many people are calling her the next Madonna.
Popular culture includes many forms of cultural communication including newspapers, television, advertising, comics, music, radio, novels, movies, etc. Influential people can be defined as someone who exercises influence or power, such as musical stars like Lady Gaga. The input of these stars creates pop culture by starting fashion trends and putting out catchy songs. Popular culture is what is popular and Lady Gaga is very popular in the music industry. Many people are influenced by music stars, celebrities, athletes, etc. Since so many people are influenced by music stars, celebrities, athletes, etc. they are able to create popular culture. I believe that teenagers are the most influenced by celebrities like Lady Gaga because they look up to them. Lady Gaga among other musicians and celebrities are a topic of discussion among teenagers at school.


  1. I think Lady GaGa is great. Her voice is different and she has great range. She gives interesting performances with costumes that are truly unique. I believe that if she continues to improve she could easily be better than Madonna.

  2. I agree that Lady Gaga may become the next Madonna. I am not a fan but have seen some of her videos and television performances. Her elaborate dance numbers and scenes definitely get your attention but I feel these may overshadow her vocal talent. I predict that in time her focus will shift and her other talents will be displayed.
